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ט"ו ניסן התשפ"ד

ט"ו ניסן התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

Introduction / Negative Commandments (13)

  1. One who speaks lashon hara, will occasionally transgress the prohibition, You shall not hate you brother in your heart, this is so if one speaks nicely about another in his presence but condemns him behind his back, how much more so, when one tells the listeners not to pass on to this fellow what he has said badly about him.

8-9. One who speaks lashon hara, will come from time to time to transgress the prohibition, You shall not take revenge and you shall not bear a grudge. If one speaks lashon hara about another as a result of a wrongdoing that he has done to him, he transgresses, you shall not take revenge, whereas if he harbors anger in his heart, he has transgressed, you shall not bear a grudge.

“Who is the man who desires life… guard your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceitfully” (Tehillim 34:13-14)