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י"ז ניסן התשפ"ד

י"ז ניסן התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

Mitzvah 136) – The mitzvah of the daily meal-offering of the Kohen Gadol

 Torah Portion: Tzav

זה קרבן אהרן ובניו אשר יקריבו לה‘” (ויקרא ו יג)

It is a positive commandment that the Kohen Gadol offer a meal-offering twice each day, in the morning and in the afternoon, as it is written, This is the offering of Aaron and his sons, which each shall offer to Hashem (Vayikra 6:13). This offering is known as the “chavitei Kohen Gadol” and also as, “the meal-offering of the anointed kohen.”

 Among the roots of the mitzvah  is the idea that since the Kohen Gadol is the messenger between Israel and their Father in Heaven — that is, he is the one who prays on their behalf and through his prayers and bringing of offerings they receive atonement — therefore it is proper that such a person have a unique and continual offering, akin to the continual offerings of the community. And just as the continual offerings of the community are brought twice daily, he, too, brings his meal-offering twice a day. All of this is connected to the reason we suggested about offerings in general: it is to arouse all of his thoughts and to guide him to focus his mind and intentions on Hashem, may He be blessed. In this way, it will help him and them. There is no doubt that the arousal one receives when bringing his own offering is incomparably greater than an offering in which he is only a partner.

 This mitzvah applies when the Holy Temple stands, to the Kohen Gadol alone.