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כ"ג ניסן התשפ"ד

כ"ג ניסן התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

Shmiras Halashon / Part 3, Ch. 1 – 95

Learning Torah also rectifies the sin of forbidden speech, as our Sages taught, what should people who speak evil do to rectify [their past actions after refraining from speaking in the future]? If he is a Torah scholar he should study Torah, as it states, ‘The tree of life heals the tongue’, and the tree of life refers to the Torah, as it states, ‘[The Torah] is a tree of life for those who cleave to it’. Learning Torah also helps prevent a person from speaking evil, because people were given the natural tendency to speak all the time to enable them to learn Torah, but if he doesn’t use his mouth for the purpose it was created for, he will inevitably speak forbidden speech. This reason is sufficient for a person to learn Torah constantly, to avoid the pitfalls of forbidden speech.

“And the utterly undoubtable truth is that if the entire world, from one end to the other, would be absent of our engagement and delving into the Torah, even for one moment, literally, then all the worlds - both upper and lower - would be destroyed instantly, and would turn into utter chaos, chas v’shalom…” (Nefesh Hachaim)