
י"ג שבט התשפ"ה

י"ג שבט התשפ"ה

About Us

13 years of easy-to-grasp learning around the globe
With hundreds of millions of shiurim by email, And tens of thousands of site users

How it all began:

2 Halachot a Day was founded on the 4 Nissan 5770 – 19 March 2010, with the profound awareness of Chazal’s statement: “V’Talmud Torah k’neged kulam” – i.e., Talmud Torah is weighed against all else.

Our aim was to increase Torah learning in all sectors of our nation, using digital means, eliminating the financial factor, and widening our reach across borders – creating learners without limits.

This program was the brainchild of a group of Avreichim led by Rav Yisrael Ganz Shlita, the Rav of the Mattersdorf neighbourhood, and one of the Roshei Yeshiva of Yeshivas Kol Torah, Jerusalem.
It was launched with an email message that was sent out to just 600 subscribers, containing 2 practical halachos, but the list rapidly doubled and tripled, bringing the number of email recipients, to date, to roughly 60,000, from all spectrums of Jewish society in Israel and around the world. New subscribers join up daily – all thirsty for D’var Hashem.
We look forward to seeing you, too, join our community of learners…

Why Learn with Us?

With syata d’Shmaya, we offer over 50 learning tracks in Torah shebichtav, and baál peh – accessible via email or online, suitable for every person – at any place, any time, and at every level.

The 2 Halachot a Day team has set itself high standards in maintaining the learning tracks and making the material accessible. To that end, we invest a lot of energy and tremendous resources – to select, fine-tune, compose and send you your perfect content, early in the morning, in the briefest, clearest, and most pleasing way possible. Our goal is that everyone should be able to learn, grasp and understand every part of the Torah, in a clear, concise fashion.

We have committed ourselves to learning without limits – and have, therefore, launched learning tracks in additional languages: English, French and Spanish. Here, too, in these foreign language tracks we have spared neither money nor effort to bring you professional, high-quality translations that are both well-written and accurate, allowing thousands of subscribers to learn in their own language daily, with clarity and ease.

Not Just by Email

If you are here – you already know that apart from email messages, we have also added the option to learn online. At the same time, we are developing additional, transformative learning channels. You can find out more about that in our online store – get to know the printed side of our operations, and enjoy in-depth, elucidated learning, perfect for those times when digital learning is not an option.

Our Vision

Like we said, our organization has long ago gone beyond a mere “2 Halachot a Day”, and now runs a very wide range of learning tracks, on various levels, geared towards Am Yisrael as a whole, both in Israel and the diaspora.

It is our hope and dream to add learning tracks in Hebrew, and to increase the number of learning tracks in foreign languages, so that we can reach as many destinations and learners as possible, on an unlimited scale.

We pray to merit the fulfillment of Yeshaya Hanavi (11:9) very soon:

“כִּי מָלְאָה הָאָרֶץ דֵּעָה אֶת ה’ כַּמַּיִם לַיָּם מְכַסִּים”

“For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of G-d, as waters cover the seabed…”.