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ו’ אלול התשפ"ד

ו’ אלול התשפ"ד

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Halacha & Musar

Hilchos Shabbos

learning 2 halachos of shabbos every day, based on the sefer: “Shemiras Shabbos K’hilchasa” All rights are reserved for the heirs of the author, the late Rabbi Y. Neuwirth ZT"L

Chafetz Chaim

The laws of proper speech according to the book Chafetz Chaim, at a rate of two short paragraphs per day, and following the worldwide daily schedule.

Ahavas Chessed

The Chafetz Chaim’s book on the Mitzvah of Chessed-Kindness.This important work on the laws of interpersonal relationships is an inspiring blend of law, ethical teachings and practical ideas

2 Halachos a Day

A concise presentation of two halachos (Torah laws) each day. Subjects are relevant, varied and engaging.

Daily Mitzvah

A daily study of the 613 commandments based on Sefer HaChinuch. Within a short time you can acquire extensive knowledge of the Torah's commandments, their rationales, ideas and basic rules.

Pele Yoetz

A lesson-a-day adapted from the classic “Pele Yo’etz” – a wonderful book by Rabbi Eliezer Papo (1785-1826) that combines Mussar-ethics with practical tips for life.

Six Mitzvos Temidios

There are six commandments, that are not dependent on place or time and do not need any action. These commandments can be performed by thought alone. Every day, we will send you one commandment.

Torah & Tefila

Talmud Torah k’negged Kulam

מדור מיוחד העוסק בגודל חשיבות לימוד התורה, המקיים ומחזיק את כל העולמות, ושקול כנגד כל המצוות, כמאמר חז"ל 'ותלמוד תורה כנגד כולם'​

Shnayim Mikra v’Echad Targum

Daily hebrew study of the weekly Torah portion. Shnayim mikrah and targum.

Saying a Daily Perek Tehillim

“As said by David ben Yishai, and as said by the man raised high, the anointed of the G-d of Yaakov, and the pleasant singer of Yisrael”

Tehillim for trouble time

Every day we send a Tehilim chapter in Hebrew at 12:00. there are special for trouble.


Hilchos Chag B’Chag

“Thirty days before Yom Tov, we teach hilchos Yom Tov…” Study the halachos-laws around the Jewish calendar. Seasonal, daily lessons.

Megillas Esther

לימוד פסוקי המגילה עפ"י ביאורו של המלבי"ם להבנה מעמיקה של סיפור המגילה בשפה קלה וברורה השווה לכל נפש.

The Elucidated Hallel

Explain and translation of Hallel according to the commentary of the great sage HaRav Don Yitzchok Abarbanel

More languages


Etude quotidienne, en français, de deux enseignements issus de l'ouvrage du Hafets Haïm (version condensée et adaptée).

הצטרפות למסלול הלימוד