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כ"ג תמוז התשפ"ד

כ"ג תמוז התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

Laws of the Ten Days of Repentance (3)

1)    One who prayed the Shemone Esrei during the ten days of repentance, and is certain that during the prayer he had intended to say “HaMelech HaKadosh”, and a while after his prayer he is unsure if he said the correct phrase, he does not need to go back. However, if he was unsure immediately after his prayer, he must go back. (Mishne Berurah 114,38)

2)    One who was praying on Rosh Hashanah and commenced “UVechein Tein Pachdecha” in the unique Rosh Hashanah form, and he does not remember if he concluded “HaMelech HaKadosh”, he does not go back, since we can assume that he concluded correctly and said “HaMelech HaKadosh”. (Look at Kaf HaChaim 582,6 and Mishne Berurah 582,4)

“Moshe established for Yisrael, that they should inquire and teach the issue of the day, the halachos of Pesach on Pesach, the halachos of Atzeres on Atzeres, the halachos of chag on the chag” (Megilla 32)