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כ"ב תמוז התשפ"ד

כ"ב תמוז התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

The Laws of Mentioning and Asking for Rain (1)

1)    We commence saying the phrase “Mashiv haruach umorid hagashem” (Who makes the wind blow and the rain descend) during the additional prayer (Mussaf) on Shemini Atzeres and stop at the additional prayer on the first day of Pessach. (Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 19)

2)    If one erred and did not mention “Mashiv haruach umorid hagashem”, if one remembers before one finished the blessing “Baruch Attah Hashem Mechayeh Hameisim”, one returns to the words “Mechayeh meisim attah” and repeats from there. However, if he has already said “Baruch Attah Hashem” he does not return as long as he has already said the praise of “morid hatal” (outside Eretz Yisrael the Ashkenazim do not say “Morid Hatal” in the summer and if they forget “Mashiv haruach umorid hagashem” they must start the Amidah again.) (ibid and Mishne Berurah)

“Moshe established for Yisrael, that they should inquire and teach the issue of the day, the halachos of Pesach on Pesach, the halachos of Atzeres on Atzeres, the halachos of chag on the chag” (Megilla 32)