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י"א תמוז התשפ"ד

י"א תמוז התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

Laws of Grinding, Chopping, Crushing and Grating on Shabbath (100)

2.a. Even when the activities mentioned in paragraph 1 above are permitted on Shabbath (in the circumstances set out below), it is forbidden to use an instrument or a utensil specially designed for the purpose, such as a mincer, a mortar, a pepper-mill or a grater.

2.b. This is so despite the fact that one may intend to eat the food immediately after it has been prepared.

2.c. One should also not use a large knife specifically intended for chopping up food into small pieces.

3.a. One may not, on Shabbath, use a vegetable chopper consisting of a set of blades which are fitted with springs and revolve around an axis, thereby chopping the vegetables very thoroughly.

3.b. One may use an egg slicer consisting of a set of equally spaced wires or blades arranged in a frame, which are pressed down onto an egg lying in a suitably sized depression, in order to cut it into slices.


The halachot are taken from the book 'Shemirath Shabbath Kehilchatha - English Edition' under the authority of the Feldheim Publishers. All rights are reserved for the heirs of the author, the late Rabbi Y. Neuwirth ZT"L, and for Feldheim Publishers. Copying or distribution for commercial purposes is prohibited; distribution for the benefit of the public is allowed, without any compensation.
“Shabbos is capable of having mercy upon us, and Hakadosh Baruch Hu will gather us from our exile. And were Yisrael to observe two Shabbasos properly, they would immediately be redeemed” (Zohar Chadas, Vayeshev)