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כ"ד חשון התשפ"ה

כ"ד חשון התשפ"ה

חיפוש בארכיון

Laws of Lashon Hara / 6: 5-6 (53)

5. It is a Torah prohibition for one to go to a specific place in order to hear another speak lashon hara. One who is sitting with a group of people, who then start talking lashon hara, if he is unable to rebuke them, it is proper that he get up and leave, or block his ears. If he is unable to do so, he must make sure to be careful of the following: 1. He must not believe anything of what is said. 2. He should have no enjoyment from their talk. 3. He should not show any approval of what they are doing. He will then be saved from this Torah prohibition [he may however be guilty of transgressing this prohibition according to Rabbinic law].

6. If however, he knew or presumed what would transpire and went and sat down with them, even if he fulfills the above conditions, he is considered a sinner, as he has transgressed the words of the sages who commanded that one distance oneself from listening to lashon hara.


“Who is the man who desires life… guard your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceitfully” (Tehillim 34:13-14)