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כ’ ניסן התשפ"ד

כ’ ניסן התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

388. Relatives (3)

Even though it is incumbent on a person to draw his relatives close, one must not perform incorrect actions for them, nor enhance falsehood or help them with lies. According to the straight knowledge it is incorrect for a person to help his brothers and relatives in their quarrels with others even when they are definitely right so that they will not suspect that he is flattering (favoring) his relatives. It is also incumbent upon him to worry that in truth maybe because of his relationship he does not see any fault with his relation. It follows that he should remain quiet and not go out to quarrel nor give any help to any one of the sides. This is even more true that if he sees and understands that his relative has behaved in an incorrect fashion that it is correct for him to be the first to rebuke him for this to ensure that truth is not withheld.

“My brothers and my nation, take this sefer Torah, and with this, and like this learn well, so that you should have it good; listen and enliven your soul, and achieve gladness and joy in this world and the world to come” (From the author’s intro.)