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כ’ ניסן התשפ"ד

כ’ ניסן התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

393. Imagination

Imagination is a very useful thing, as we see that Chazal said that one who prays should imagine that the Divine Presence is in front of him. Each time that a sin comes to his hand or his evil inclination tries to persuade him not to a good deed, he should imagine to himself that he is standing before Hashem, who is the high, exalted, awesome and feared King (as is actually the case) and He is saying to him in a voice of great magnitude “And you shall love Hashem your G-d with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength!”, and he should imagine to himself that he is standing between Gan Eden and Gehinom and that if he does the correct thing he will enter Gan Eden and his soul will enjoy itself in the pastures there, whereas if he commits a sin he will immediately fall into Gehinom.

“My brothers and my nation, take this sefer Torah, and with this, and like this learn well, so that you should have it good; listen and enliven your soul, and achieve gladness and joy in this world and the world to come” (From the author’s intro.)