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כ"ד ניסן התשפ"ד

כ"ד ניסן התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

Ahavas Chesed / Part 5 – 89

Learning Torah saves a person from the evil inclination, as our Sages said, ‘The Jewish people are so fortunate, when they are involved in Torah and good deeds they rule over their evil inclination, and if not, the evil inclination rules over them. This is because the evil inclination rules over a person in two ways, over his mind through distraction and vanities, and over his limbs by accustoming them to going against Hashem’s will. If a person is involved in Torah and good deeds he subjugates his mind and limbs to serve his Creator, and thereby prevents the evil inclination from ruling over his thoughts and actions.

“And the utterly undoubtable truth is that if the entire world, from one end to the other, would be absent of our engagement and delving into the Torah, even for one moment, literally, then all the worlds - both upper and lower - would be destroyed instantly, and would turn into utter chaos, chas v’shalom…” (Nefesh Hachaim)