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כ"ג ניסן התשפ"ד

כ"ג ניסן התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

Laws of Blessings – 10

  1. The tablecloth and the remaining bread from the meal should not be removed from the table until afterBircas Hamazon in order to make it clear that we are blessing Hashem for His great kindness and goodness, that He prepared food for His creatures. (Shulchan Aruch OC 179 with Mishnah Berura)

2.     Another reason: bounty does not descend upon nothingness but only increases what is already there, as in the case of the prophet Elisha’s cruse of oil. (ibid.)

The wise man says: I shall learn two halachot today, and two tomorrow, until I learn the entire Torah entirely… (Vayikra Rabba)