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י"א תמוז התשפ"ד

י"א תמוז התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

Laws of Grinding, Chopping, Crushing and Grating on Shabbath (101)

4. Unless otherwise mentioned, the rest of this chapter deals only with the grinding, chopping, crushing, mashing, crumbling, shredding or squashing of food without the aid of a specially designed instrument.

5. It will be seen that, for the purposes of the rules discussed in this chapter, various distinctions must be made between different kinds of foods, for example:

a. between

1) food which grows from the ground and

2) food which does not grow from the ground or

b. between

1) food which has previously been ground or mashed and

2) food which has not previously been ground or mashed.



The halachot are taken from the book 'Shemirath Shabbath Kehilchatha - English Edition' under the authority of the Feldheim Publishers. All rights are reserved for the heirs of the author, the late Rabbi Y. Neuwirth ZT"L, and for Feldheim Publishers. Copying or distribution for commercial purposes is prohibited; distribution for the benefit of the public is allowed, without any compensation.
“Shabbos is capable of having mercy upon us, and Hakadosh Baruch Hu will gather us from our exile. And were Yisrael to observe two Shabbasos properly, they would immediately be redeemed” (Zohar Chadas, Vayeshev)