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י’ תמוז התשפ"ד

י’ תמוז התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

Laws of Grinding, Chopping, Crushing and Grating on Yom Tov (113)

5.a. The following rules apply with regard to food which

1) grows from the ground and

2) is made from material that has previously been broken down or from separate crystals or particles that have formed into a block,

such as lumps of sugar or baked foods made from ground grain.

5.b. One may regrind, crush or crumble such food on Yom Tov, provided it is required for that day of Yom Tov, and one may even do so

1) in the manner usually adopted on an ordinary weekday and

2) with the aid of a specially designed instrument (other than an instrument normally used to prepare food for several days ahead).

5.c. See paragraph 7 below for use of a kitchen mincer or grinder.

5.d. After the food has been ground, crushed or crumbled, those pieces which have not been properly broken down should not be picked out by themselves, due to the prohibition against selection, but one may remove them together with a little of the ground food.


The halachot are taken from the book 'Shemirath Shabbath Kehilchatha - English Edition' under the authority of the Feldheim Publishers. All rights are reserved for the heirs of the author, the late Rabbi Y. Neuwirth ZT"L, and for Feldheim Publishers. Copying or distribution for commercial purposes is prohibited; distribution for the benefit of the public is allowed, without any compensation.
“Shabbos is capable of having mercy upon us, and Hakadosh Baruch Hu will gather us from our exile. And were Yisrael to observe two Shabbasos properly, they would immediately be redeemed” (Zohar Chadas, Vayeshev)