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י"ב תמוז התשפ"ד

י"ב תמוז התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

Laws Relating to Squeezing Fruit (94)

Chapter 5

Laws Relating to Squeezing Fruit on Shabbath and Yom Tov

11.a. Juice which has oozed out of grapes on Shabbath or Yom Tov, even by itself, may not be drunk on that day.

11.b. Whether or not one may on the same day drink juice which has oozed out of other fruit by itself depends on whether or not that fruit was intended specifically for eating (as distinct from pressing).

1) If the fruit was intended specifically for eating, the juice may be drunk, and one may, for instance, drink the juice which oozes out of a grapefruit while it is being cut.

2) If the fruit was not intended specifically for eating, the juice may not be drunk on that day.

11.c. The reason for these restrictions is that, if it were permitted to drink the juice one might, on another occasion, actually come to squeeze it out.

11.d. The juice which is forbidden to be drunk may not be moved, since it is muktzeh. (See Chapter 20, paragraph 32.)


The halachot are taken from the book 'Shemirath Shabbath Kehilchatha - English Edition' under the authority of the Feldheim Publishers. All rights are reserved for the heirs of the author, the late Rabbi Y. Neuwirth ZT"L, and for Feldheim Publishers. Copying or distribution for commercial purposes is prohibited; distribution for the benefit of the public is allowed, without any compensation.
“Shabbos is capable of having mercy upon us, and Hakadosh Baruch Hu will gather us from our exile. And were Yisrael to observe two Shabbasos properly, they would immediately be redeemed” (Zohar Chadas, Vayeshev)