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כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

כ"א תמוז התשפ"ד

חיפוש בארכיון

The Laws of Blessings which apply during the Rainy Period (18)

1)    Each and every time that one sees a new rainbow one must make a new blessing on it, even if there has been less than thirty days since the last time that he saw one. (Shulchan Aruch and Mishne Berurah 229)

2)    Even the Sephardim make the blessing on the rainbow with the Name and Kingship of Hashem. (One who is worries about the authorities who maintain that there are two sorts of rainbow and that it is unclear on which of them one may make a blessing, and because of this he makes the blessing without pronouncing the Name and Kingship of Hashem, and instead thinks them in his heart, may do so. (Kaf Hachaim ibid and Ben Ish Chai Ekev 17)

“Moshe established for Yisrael, that they should inquire and teach the issue of the day, the halachos of Pesach on Pesach, the halachos of Atzeres on Atzeres, the halachos of chag on the chag” (Megilla 32)